發表時間 | 文章標題 | 人氣 | 留言 |
2015-10-08 | 1986 | (41) | (0) |
2014-04-04 | 8 | (43) | (0) |
2014-03-12 | A kiss | (57) | (0) |
2012-12-24 | Merry Christmas | (103) | (1) |
2012-10-05 | 停留 | (59) | (0) |
2012-08-24 | Wire walk | (67) | (4) |
2012-08-22 | 夏日回憶| 釜山‧高雄 | (89) | (1) |
2012-08-18 | Love | (69) | (2) |
2012-07-23 | 你們 | (50) | (0) |
2012-05-30 | Elmo 3 | (21) | (0) |
2012-05-28 | Elmo 2 | (20) | (0) |
2012-05-25 | Elmo | (39) | (1) |
2012-05-04 | Dream | (33) | (0) |
2012-04-05 | Drizzling | (38) | (0) |
2012-03-22 | Golden moment | (27) | (0) |
2012-03-06 | The zoo | (71) | (4) |
2012-02-25 | 深秋的記憶 2 | (57) | (1) |
2012-02-24 | Feminine | (34) | (1) |
2012-02-23 | 深秋的記憶 | (54) | (1) |
2012-02-23 | USC | (60) | (3) |
2012-02-22 | Laguna beach | (57) | (1) |
2012-02-21 | Long beach | (54) | (3) |
2012-01-21 | The perfect weekend | (43) | (0) |
2012-01-19 | 40 minutes | (53) | (0) |
2012-01-18 | Snap shot | (35) | (1) |
2012-01-17 | 遺跡 | (71) | (4) |
2012-01-16 | I'm dreaming of a warm Christmas 2 | (42) | (2) |
2012-01-09 | Forgotten | (41) | (1) |
2012-01-07 | Stand here | (40) | (3) |
2012-01-06 | Watching the wheels | (76) | (1) |
2012-01-04 | One fine day | (90) | (6) |
2012-01-03 | Seal beach | (45) | (3) |
2011-12-15 | I'm dreaming of a warm Christmas | (73) | (2) |
2011-12-13 | 羽翼 | (52) | (1) |
2011-11-30 | Disneyland | (63) | (0) |
2011-11-10 | 凝視 | (83) | (2) |
2011-11-03 | 繽紛 | (66) | (1) |
2011-10-12 | [交換重曝] TAIPEI x L.A|捲六 | (89) | (2) |
2011-10-07 | [交換重曝]TAIPEI x L.A|捲五 | (61) | (1) |
2011-10-06 | [交換重曝]TAIPEI xL.A|捲四 | (16) | (0) |
2011-09-30 | Bunny | (88) | (0) |
2011-09-19 | 夢遊 2 | (64) | (0) |
2011-09-14 | [交換重曝]L.AxTAIPEI|捲三 | (128) | (4) |
2011-09-07 | Into the blue | (83) | (3) |
2011-08-30 | Summer's over | (134) | (9) |
2011-08-21 | Hanging | (51) | (0) |
2011-08-18 | Mask 2 | (37) | (0) |
2011-06-02 | Your dream | (85) | (1) |
2011-05-26 | 沙漠 | (54) | (0) |
2011-05-12 | Wrecked | (95) | (1) |