攝於2009年耶誕前夕,前往Las Vegas途中。
車子在沙漠的公路上奔馳了數小時後,我們終於找到一個地方停下來休息。 推開這家小店的門,一陣咖啡香氣立刻撲鼻而來,在這樣乾冷的荒蕪之地,這裡彷彿是個小綠洲,帶給疲憊的旅人們溫暖與撫慰。 我突然想起了「Bagdad cafe」這部電影裡那家矗立在荒蕪沙漠裡的小小咖啡店,Jasmin和Brenda兩個失意又孤獨的女主人,為那寂寞之地帶來了快樂與滋潤的故事,當然,還有那首唱進我靈魂裡的電影主題曲。
I am calling you
A desert road from vegas to nowhere,
some place better than where you've been.
A coffee machine that needs some fixing
in a little cafe just around the bend.
I am calling you.
Can't you hear me?
I am calling you.
A hot dry wind blows right through me.
The baby's crying and I can't sleep,
but we both know a change is coming,
coming closer sweet release.
I am calling you.
I know you hear me.
I am calling you.